How to Find us
Giardini Pistola is easy to access being located on the SP1 between Fasano and Alberobello.
From the Airport
BARI Karol Wojtyła Airport 80km / 1h by car
From the Airport Bari-Palese get on SS16 (Highway) direction Brindisi-Lecce, follow SS16 to SS172dir in Fasano, exit Taranto from SS16 (69km); Follow SS172dir to SP1 (9km). Giardini Pistola will be on the right side.
BRINDISI Airport 66km / 55 min. By car
Get SS379 from Via Maestri del Lavoro d’Italia (5km), Follow SS379 to SS172dir Fasano, take exit Taranto (52km); Follow SS172dir to SP1 (9km). Giardini Pistola will be on the right side.
From the Station
FASANO (Ferrovie dello Stato) 13km / 20 min
MONOPOLI (Ferrovie dello Stato) 22km / 25 min
LOCOROTONDO (FSE – Ferrovie del Sud Est) 11km / 15 min
CISTERNINO (Ferrovie dello Stato) 19km / 25 min
Giardini Pistola Address:
Strada Provinciale 1 Canale di Pirro
Fasano 72015, Br Puglia, Italy.